this past saturday we headed to the west village and ate breakfast at a little diner, following it up with a delicious vanilla latte from the 11th Street Cafe pictured below...

while i snapped an overabundance of west village photographs, it's difficult to do the quaint little neighborhood justice in pictures. it's much more satisfying to walk the streets...

although, i think these street vendors were nearer soho...

of course, the Empire State Building is never far from view...

then we ducked into a bar we saw on the MOJO show "three sheets"...LEDERHOSEN!

evidence: lederhosen on the wall behind craig's head!

german beer taps only. no miller lite here, folks!! craig even tried a beer brewed since 1040...

german girl in a german bar...

then craig surprised me by reminding me that i had wanted to scope out the french culinary institute in soho...(we're touring it on my birthday in two weeks!)

and he went on to surprise me with a stroll past heath ledger's apartment...we paid our respects.

this picture is nearly identical (we recreated it) to a photo i snapped of craig on a visit to this same exact bar back in 2002...

and then of course here's me and my other boyfriend zane, the host of "three sheets"! cheers!

The pic of you and Zane reminds me of the photo you took of my and my other boyfriend, Matt, when I visited you guys a couple of years ago! :) LOVE IT!
ha!! i love that pic of you and matt!! that prompted this one! xoxo
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